As we all know, proper hydration and nutrition is essential for good performance in football.

Most of us have an idea of what’s required when it comes to eating right and staying healthy; however, where we often fall down is sticking to this plan – usually out of boredom or simply not knowing quite enough about it to make it a sustainable routine. Correct sports nutrition is in fact quite a committed lifestyle choice – so cutting down on the chips and drinking one less pint on a night out isn’t going to deliver the results we all want.

Performance nutritionist, Ben Coomber, has made some excellent videos in association with Mitre in which he talks all about what we should be eating and drinking, with detailed explanations as to why, when and how we should go about it.

For example, I bet you didn’t know that the amount of fluids you should be consuming is calculated as your weight in kilograms times by 28ml. Indispensable facts such as these are dotted throughout these quick but compelling videos, so have a look and take note – your teammates will thank you.

If you find the information in the videos below useful you can make sure you stay hydrated during your games with our range of water bottles, including our new Mitre water bottles range which starts at just 99p for a 500ml bottle!

How much water you should drink?

What to eat before football

What to eat after football

practice 2

You can search for #mitrestar on twitter to get more interesting sports information.

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